General topics

New forum section

Posted on

I have added in a new section to the forum.

Doll Shows and Events

I thought with all the dolls shows and events happening in Australia the around world it would be great to hear about them.
Post photos of your day/s out and be sure to write your thoughts.

General topics

New forum section

Posted on

I have added in a new section to the forum.

Doll Shows and Events

I thought with all the dolls shows and events happening in Australia the around world it would be great to hear about them.
Post photos of your day/s out and be sure to write your thoughts.

General topics

RDK kits reduced to make room

Posted on

We have reduced our prices on some of our RDK kits to make room for the new kits arriving.

Here are a few that have been reduced.

Zachary by Brenda Smith 22" – 23" Kit

Mia by Esther Kallouz 21" Kit
Fraser by Ros Johnson 18" Kit

Lisa by Esther Kallouz 19" Kit


General topics

New Help Centre page.

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Our new Help Centre is the answer to all your important questions relating to:

Payment Methods
For all Information regarding payment options, Layaway plans and more

Detailed Shopping Cart Instructions
Buying on the internet for the first time? Read this page if you are not familiar with buying products using a shopping cart on the internet. Welcome to the convenience of on-line shopping

Shipping & Handling
Where do we deliver & how long will it take? click here.

Reward Points FAQ
Find out more information about our reward point program click here.

Privacy Policy
For information on our Privacy Policy click here.

Terms & Conditions
To find out our terms and conditions of use click here.

Discount Coupons
To look up a discount coupon offer click here.

Newsletter Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe from receiving our newsletter with this link.

To request to return a product to Still Moments Nursery use this link.

Its also the place to chat with Nikki online via our Live help.

General topics

2nd Place Winner in Shelley Halperin Contest

Posted on

Just wanted to let everyone know that a Still Moments Nursery customers won 2nd Place in the contest by Shelley Halperin.

A little from the artist :
My nursery name is Sheryl’s Sweethearts Nursery, I have been reborning now for about 4 years and loving every minute of it.
I am a mum of 3 and a grandmother of 3 with only my youngest at home.
I live in Sunshine.
I sell on ebay under sheryls-sweethearts, I used to sell under pigletsbitsnbobs now I just use that for other stuff and sell the reborns totally under sheryls-sweethearts.
Please view my website Sheryl’s Sweethearts Nursery

Here are the pics of the reborn.Hope you like her I love Shelley Halperin doll kits


Server upgrade complete!

Posted on

It has been a long weekend for us here a SMN as we have upgraded our server that the website runs on. Overtime has had some growing pains and was begining to run very slowly. The site now runs much faster allowing for more features to be added shortly. If you experience any problems please let us know! we love your feedpack.

General topics


Posted on


Bountiful Baby introduces their first ever Tasha Reborn Contest! Winners will be announced in Doll Crafter Magazine!!!

You can submit as many photos as you like of any of the Bountiful Baby
Tasha Sculpts. These sculpts include Ember, Tanner, Joey, Josie, Ella
and Paige. You can mix and match Tasha faces with Tasha limbs, but both
the head and all limbs must be Tasha sculpts. The baby will be
categorized by the face sculpt. For example if you have a Joey head
with Ella limbs, for contest purposes the doll will be listed as Joey.

Single photos are required and no photo collages (multiple pictures
in the same photo) will be accepted. The contest will remain anonymous
until the winner is announced, so we will not be accepting photos with
nursery names or artist identification on them.

You can submit as many photos as you like, but only one photo of
each face sculpt per artist will be accepted for submission into the
contest. Once a photo of a particular sculpt from a particular artist
passes the Review Board, no other pictures of that face will be
accepted by that artist. So we recommend that you submit your favorite
photo of each face first. If these photos are accepted we will not
accept additional or replacement photos, so choose carefully. It is
possible for each artist to have up to 6 photos accepted, one for each
of the six Tasha face sculpts.

Because your photo might be printed in DollCrafter Magazine, we
require your highest resolution photos. Once photos are submitted, they
will be passed to our Bountiful Baby Review Board.

The Review Board will assign a point value to each photo based on the following.

Photo Quality: A maximum of 20 points will be given for photo
quality, we are looking for clear photos that show the detail of your
work. We are looking for high resolution photos suitable for
publishing, so send your best photos!

Reborn Artistry: A maximum of 20 points will be given for reborn
artistry. The hair, coloring and detail painting will be considered for
this area.

Pose: A maximum of 20 points will be given for pose. Be sure to
pose your babies in natural comfy baby like poses score high in this

Outfit and accessories: A maximum 20 points will be given for
outfit and accessories. Although they can be elaborate they don’t need
to be. We are looking for well put together layettes, that are
appealing and add to the beauty of your baby.

Overall appeal: A maximum of 20 points will be given for overall
appeal. This is where the wow factor comes in. When all of the above
areas come together in harmony, you will be given extra points in this

Their Review Board will not be told who the artist is and pledges to
remain neutral in their voting in cases were they have seen or
recognize the doll or artistry. This is the same Review Board that is
set up to select sculpts and consists of both Bountiful Baby employees
and non-employees. Bountiful Baby employees, staff, and affiliates will
not be allowed to enter. A photo must receive a score of 80 or higher
in order to pass the Review Board and be entered into the contest.

Once accepted for the contest, photos will be place in a random
order on our website, for everyone to view. On Tuesday, July 15th,
voting will be open to the public and you can vote on your favorites.

There will be 19 winning babies, yes that’s right 19 winning
babies! There will be a first, second and third place for each of the 6
faces, and there will also be a Best Of Show baby. The Best Of Show
baby will be the baby that gets the most votes of all. After that the
babies of each face getting the top 3 highest votes will gain the
first, second and third place positions for that face. Each artist can
only win once with each face. For example, it is possible for the same
artist to win up to 6 positions, one for each face submitted. Therefore
the lowest possible winning prize will be valued at 29.95 and the
highest possible value that one artist can receive is $2,250.00 in

You can vote one time for each and any baby you wish to vote for.
We will have a system in place to eliminate vote stacking, so it will
do no good to vote multiple times for the same baby.

Prizes are as follows:
Best of Show: $1,000.00 in Bountiful Baby Gift Certificates.
First Prize: The 6 first prize winners will all receive $250 Bountiful Baby Gift Certificates.
Second Prize: Second prize winners will receive 2 "in-stock"
Bountiful Baby kits of their choice (valued at 29.95 to 59.95 each)
Third Prize: Winners receive 1 "in-stock" Bountiful Baby kit of their choice (valued at 29.95 to 59.95)

Contest will open on May 27th, and will close on Monday, July 14th.
Send your pictures between those dates. Submit pictures to:
Entrants grant publication rights of the photos to Bountiful Baby, as
well as to Jones Publishing, and all affiliates of both companies.