Free Tutorials

Tutorial on the Soft Touch Rooting Tool Kit

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MacPhersoncrafts is now also stocking our Soft Touch Rooting Tool Kit 🙂 They have done a short tutorial on how it works and what’s included.
Hope you all like them and find them helpful.

You can Purchse them directly from
Still Moments Nursery –
Macphersons Crafts –


Welcome to new website.

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Welcome to our new home. We are slowing building a more freindly website for us. This update will bring many new exciting features to Still Moments Nursery.

Thanks Nikki Holland

General topics

Soft Touch Rooting Tool Kit

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A soft touch rooting tool kit that has been specifically designed for reborn doll artists by Nikki Holland.
The tool is soft and flexible and very comfortable in your hand, especially during those long hours of hair rooting.

Kit includes: 
 – Storage Box / Stand
 – Pen Grip (Black)
 – Teardrop Grip (Black)
 – Tri Grip (Black)
 – Needle Insert Sleeve (Blue)
 – Needle Protector Cover (Red)
 – Needle Storage Tube + 2 x 38g Ultra Felting Needles 

– Reduces needle breakages.
– Soft & Flexible – Bends into hard spots like behind the ears.
– Reduces hand fatigue – 3 grip styles to rotate hand positions to avoid RSI.
– No metal parts scratching off your paintwork.
– Everything in one spot – No more loosing needles or tools.
– Uses cut or un-cut needles (uncut is prefered)


Box Packing Reborn Girl Dominga with Miah – The SMN Show #456

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Reborn baby girl Dominga had her box packing done a while ago but we have been busy and couldn’t get it up until now. Dominga is home safe and sound with her mummy and getting lots of loving.

You can customize a reborn doll of your very own and to your exact specifications using our custom ordering forms.

Music for the The SMN Show provided by –

Thanks for watching.
Nikki Holland


Miah Silicone Doll by Bonnie Brown – The SMN Show #455

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Bonnie Brown spent the day with Miah when she was 3 weeks old sculpting her face out of clay, so she could then be turned into a beautiful silicone doll for us to treasure for ever. We are so honored to be able to not only have Bonnie Sculpt Miah but to have her in soft silicone 😮 Thank you Bonnie xxx

Reborn Baby Dolls

Products delayed due to Corona Virus

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Due to the Corona Virus outbreak worldwide we have seen delays in receiving some parts for our Breathers, Sound boxes and RDC’s.
They are arriving but in small lots so for those needing Breathers or Sound boxes urgently you can Pre-order them so you don’t miss out.
Please Contact Us if you would to Pre-order.
You can also subscribe to the “back in stock notification” on their pages, and when we have some available you will be notified via email…but there will only be a few available at a time so grab them quickly.

We hope everyone is staying well xxx


Miah helps box packing reborn baby girl Meshell – The SMN Show #452

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Miah is on school holidays and wanted to do a box packing video…she is getting older now and loving dolls even more. She loved box packing things for Meshell xxx You can see Michell’ photo shoot here –

Order a Custom Order Doll of your own –