The SMN ShowYouTube Videos

Best bloopers of 2013 – The SMN Show #356

The best of the blooper reel for the year of 2013..

Nikki Holland and Timothy John have lot’s of fun filming The SMN Show for you, and we thought we would put all the best blooper bit’s together for your viewing pleasure. So sit back and have a laugh with Tim and Nikki. πŸ™‚

Order a Custom Order Doll of your own –

Looking for quality reborn doll kits and supplies?? Nikki sells a wide range of reborning products at:

Join Nikki on Facebook:

Music for the The SMN Show provided by –

You can now purchase the music featured throughout “The SMN Show” on CD through Still Moments Nursery here –

We are also very proud to offer the first special edition range of collectible “The SMN Show” Merchandise –

Show your support for The SMN Show and start your collection today as designs will vary as the years go on.

Thanks for watching
Please remember to subscribe and share the show with your friends πŸ™‚

*** Send Letters to Nikki ****

Still Moments Nursery
PO Box 406
Lilydale 3140

Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe.

24 thoughts on “Best bloopers of 2013 – The SMN Show #356

  1. hiya nikki
    we havent spoken in ages my baby brother was born on the 27th of december and his name is logan hes so so cute.i hope you had a great x mas and this video is great its so so funny .
    from fae xxxx πŸ˜€

  2. Hello I am Iona I want a reborn the price I am looking for is about 40 pound plz email me back

  3. I love your work Nikki,
    but the problem is i live in London do you think you could sent the baby to me?
    thanks xxx

  4. I want a reborn baby doll because i don’t have one from you and I see your videos and I see Lucy May and I want her soo bad because I don’t have her and I want her and I see your other reborn baby dolls but I want Lucy May

  5. hello I am 14 years old I always wanted a silicone baby but there to much money it my birthday 24 Feb. and I was just wondering if u could do me a baby for 50-100 pounds if u could u would make my birthday wish to come true can u please get back to me that would be great .before Friday

  6. i love your videos on reborns how ever i have been lied to so many times about getting a reborn baby that it is hard to trust any one with a reborn baby doll. your reborns are very cute i just love them. I have no reborn baby doll becouse of every one that has lied to me my grandma dont even trust any one any more with reborns becouse when thay lied to me id cry my eyes out day and night. it kills me that i see all my friends with one and them in a reborn club and im not. thay kicked me out of the reborn baby lovers club becouse i dont have one i wish i did. if i got one id cry of happy tears id be so happy. and thank you for makeing this blog i can see how thay are realistic and how much people love them so much <3 Amber begley

  7. Hi i havent had any babies from you before but i would. I would like a toddler in witch is a girl with beutiful blonde hair thank you hope i hear from you soon bye.

  8. Hi Nikki! Love reborns and I love reborn toddler Gemma so bad! I’m from Finland far away from Australia but I want to know can I get reborns from you if I live in Finladn? I hope you answer.

  9. Good! Just waiting for to get one cose money is the broblem. But i’m promes I get money to get her! And sorry my bad english:)

  10. hiya nikki
    when are you going to make more videos i miss you πŸ™‚
    i hope your ok!

    from fae xxx

  11. hiya Nikki its great to here your moving and i cant wait to see your videos soon . xx πŸ˜€

  12. hi nikki how are you my step mum had her baby 2 weeks ago his name is ethan and he loook just like me when i was a baby i only see him 2 every 2 weeks but i dont mind . i wanted to no if you have moved yet its boring without your videos πŸ™

    from fae xx:D

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