Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn baby Girl Amy Jo

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Amy Jo is needing a home… She is a sweet little girl who will arrive home with a Designer Christening Gown with Pants and bonnet. She has a full head a soft black hair and she will be a welcome addition to any collection.


New way to view our images

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We have changed the way we display our images, now when you click on an image you will now see it in a lightbox. This is the nicest way to display all the pictures and in return making the experience of searching for products more visable. I hope you all enjoy….

General topics

Still Moments Nursery Reborn Baby Doll Forum

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The forum has been open for a while now and thank you to those who have joined and wriiten posts. I have recently joined many other reborn doll forums and have had many good responces from them. I have also joined some that have been way to hard on the rules, having accounts frozen the […]

General topics

Secrist kits triplets

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The 6" triplets arrived and are being sent out to those who pre ordered them. They have totally sold out and no more are being made, which is sad. The datails on such small kits are amazing, the tiny faces are just so sweet. I am now pinching myself for not getting a set myself, […]

General topics

Glass beads delay

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We are waiting for our glass beads to arrive and appologize to customers waiting for them. They were due today and due to the winds and trees down our delivery was delayed. All orders will be sent asap.

General topics

Delay in postage due to power outage

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I have to appologize for any delay in postage. We have had strong winds which have downed trees and power all over victoria. Our postal outlet will be open again tomorrow so all order will be sent out. Thanks for your understanding. Nikki Holland

General topics

Reborn contest reminder dates

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Just a small reminder about the shelley halperin reborn contest end date. Shelley extended the dates until April 10 and winners announced APRIL 15 Mathew and Kaylee kits have been selling fast, so get in quick while they are still available. These kits are limited editions with only 250 worldwide.  

Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn baby Doll Kalina for sale

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Introducing Reborn Baby Girl     Kalina She is now online for sale and is needing a loving home to care for her. She is a Rita Rich Arnold  kit with life cast hands and feet.    Links: Completed Reborn Dolls looking for homes Order a Custom Order Doll Reborning Tutorials Doll Kits Starter Reborning Kits FREE reborn […]

General topics

New Photos of Reborn baby Girl Katie Lee

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I wasn't happy with the outfit baby girl Katie Lee was wearing so I had to change it. She is now wearing a beautiful white dress with tiny flowers on the chest and a pair of matching bloomers. I have also complemented the set with a white bonnet with light pink ties. I feel this […]