Free Tutorials

Reborn doll ethnic coloring tutorial layer 4 of 6

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The reborn baby ethnic layering video number 4 of 6 from our free video reborn tutorials is finished and online ready for viewing.
We are currently working on layer 5 of 6 and should have it uploaded very soon.
All videos are available in High Definition, simply click the youtube HD button image button while viewing.


Free Tutorials

Reborn doll ethnic coloring tutorial layer 2 & 3 of 6

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Our second and third free video reborn tutorials are finished and online ready for viewing.
We are working on the final 3 layers and should have them uploaded very soon.
All videos are available in High Definition, simply click the youtube HD button image button while viewing.



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Update – Reborn Baby Doll Project 001 – Kherington

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I have already covered applying flesh coats to your vinyl, the next part is taking you through applying your first coat of mottling.
Reborn Baby Doll Project 001 – Kherington

Updates :

Mixing of colour , preparation and application.

I will be adding to this reborning Tutorial during the reborning process, so feel free to follow along at your own speed.


Free Tutorials

Applying a Mint Green Wash

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I have done this small tutorial on applying a mint green wash to pink vinyl that might help new artists learning the art of reborning.
This is the technique I use when applying my washes and as every artist is different they each have their own special way of doing the wash.
I find some vinyl more pink than others and as I personally like to start with a nice pale colour undertone, I found by applying a green/mint wash as your first coat helps to dull down the pink in the vinyl.


Free Tutorials

Update on Project 001 – Flesh coats

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Today I managed to get a few coats onto my Reborn Baby Doll Project 001 between the custom order dolls I have on the go.
I have covered the first flesh coats and have added some photos to give you an idea of whats involved.

I would love to hear your feedback on my first tutorial and how its helping you personally..

Some of the new images…..

Free Tutorials

Reborn Baby Doll Project 001 – Kherington

Posted on

I have started a Reborn Baby Doll Project and its a work in progress.

I will be adding more details as I go through the process of reborning this baby.
You are more than welcome to follow along as I update the page and everything needed can be bought from us.

Follow updates by subscribing to our RSS feed.