Reborn Baby Dolls

Change of clothing for Nicole Kay

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I have Nicole Kay in the Nursery waiting for a new Mommy.
I had her dressed in more of plain clothing but it wasnt doing her any justice, so I bought her a very special outfit and I think it has made her.
Its all handmade and has beautiful lace across her chest, her bonnet is smocked and is so beautifully finished with tiny pink roses.


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Reborn Baby Dolls

Reborn baby Girl Amy Jo

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Amy Jo is needing a home… She is a sweet little girl who will arrive home with a Designer Christening Gown with Pants and bonnet. She has a full head a soft black hair and she will be a welcome addition to any collection.

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New Photos of Reborn baby Girl Katie Lee

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I wasn't happy with the outfit baby girl Katie Lee was wearing so I had to change it. She is now wearing a beautiful white dress with tiny flowers on the chest and a pair of matching bloomers. I have also complemented the set with a white bonnet with light pink ties. I feel this outfit really shows off her true features. Links:

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Reborn Doll Sale – for a short time only.

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Here are just a few reborned babies that are currently on sale. Some have had New photos, outfits and extra items added to their take home packages. Alison Kate She has had new photos taken in her new outfit. Ariel Sage She is featured on the Secrist website in their gallery of reborned kits. Havana Lee New photos of her have been taken with a white back ground.



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