8 thoughts on “Ethnic Reborn Baby girl Rhiannon

  1. I’am interested in this new creation of dolls, and would like to purchase a reborn baby girl in the ethnic culture, please advise the cost of Rhiannon, and if you actually have more available. I’am actually a mixed culture myself, I would like one that has more features of the Indian heritage mixed with African American.

    Please advise,


    LaToi Griffin

  2. hello.
    your reborn babies are so cute im 12 on te 29th july and i really want one because there so cute and i want a babie when im older and i want to see what its like but using a fake baby.
    i would like to know how much would it be for a baby girl with brown rotted hair and shes white and is 20 ics long and fells like a real baby.
    i bet you think im being stupied saying this im not joking you how much would it be becausei cant ind one less than £100 i need to but clothes on my birhday and i want a reborn please reply
    [xxxxxx] ALL THE BEST [xxxxxx]
    LOVE. sherralee

  3. I’m looking for a reborn baby for a member of my family who just lost her second child. We are mixed African American and Native American as Sherralee says about her family. Please let me know if you have more dolls available for people like us.

    Thank you,

  4. Hello,

    I love your ethnic baby showed above, however I was wondering do you do custom orders? I am looking to buy a custom lifelike reborn babydoll that is mixed with caucasin, african-american, and persian.


  5. do your dolls have privates and if they do are there any without because i’ m getting one for my daughter

    1. No reborn baby dolls don’t come with privates, the bodies are usually made from Doe Sued Fabric….
      There are belly plates available that have privates and they simply sit over the cloth body for display purposes.
      🙂 🙂 🙂

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