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Mottling with a tweezered sponge reborn tutorial – The SMN Show #304

I show how I create a mottling effect with the use of a tweezered sponge.
The holes are nice and random and give a really good effect for newborns.


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7 thoughts on “Mottling with a tweezered sponge reborn tutorial – The SMN Show #304

  1. Thanks for the excellent video! Could I see other tutorials?
    Btw.. You look as if you could be my daughter.
    Amazing resemblance!

    Thanks again, Wendy

  2. nikki i relly want a baby like yours not ashton drake thay havent go reborns and how much would it be if i got a kit and send it to you and bye the hair and magnets and soother and you just paint it and put the hair and stuff on it for me and ill bye clothes and send them to you to put on him and if you do can you do a box packing of it thanks bye

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