9 thoughts on “My reborning / work area

  1. hi, i am not speak english very well because i am argentinian , i love reborns i wish have a reborn baby i love it. i see your videos in youtube and i love “Reborn doll toddler box packing Anderson Carter” I would like to know how that baby out and if you make shipments to argentina.do not want to spend so much because my dad is spending too much and could not spend as much.this dream would come true someday. hopefully they get this message and answer me. god bless. 14 years old miracles, Argentina. bye kisses 🙂

  2. can you tell me the price of this baby toddler put you in the previous comment regarding sending out up here?

  3. Hello, I am up to make my first and own reborn baby doll. Just for fun : ) I saw that you have on your work station a glass jar full of syringes, may I ask on where do you use them? and how do I take the rubber smell from the kit as soon they come home from purchasing?

    Nivea S.

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